First Application of DSI DCP Bolt for Parramatta Rail Link Tunnel in NSW, Australia
The Parramatta Rail Link is a major public transport initiative of the NSW Government to increase the capacity of the rail network and meet Sydney’s changing travel needs.
The new rail tunnel will provide a new link between the existing stations of Epping and Chatswood with future construction linking Epping to Parramatta.
The project, consisting of twin 7 m bored tunnels totalling 28 kms and 3 new underground stations is due for completion 2008.
Tunnelling for the underground stations commenced early in 2003 in anticipation of the TBM’s passing through the pre-constructed stations. Each underground station was excavated using road headers eventually carving a cavern 180 m long x 30 m wide and 8 m high. Rock bolting of the stations involved the installation of over 25,000 rock bolts, including the recently developed DSI DCP Bolt. Features such as its ease of installation, durable sheathing and simple grouting connection resulted in the bolt being selected for the project.
DSI’s active involvement in the station tunnels resulted in the contract award to supply over 50,000 bolts for the 28 km of twin tunnel. The tunnels pass through various geotechnical conditions such as shales, sandstone and clay dykes. To contend with the various ground conditions DSI also supplied steel ring sets as part of its contract.