Barrel and Wedge Anchors
BLWBarrel and Wedge Anchors are used to secure roof plates on DSI Underground cable bolts. They provide positive support to the rock face at the collar of the hole.
15.2mm Cable Bolt Bulbed Bulk pack
CABOLT1BManufactured from stress relieved, low relaxation, high strength 15.2mm diameter 7 wire steel strand, the cable bolt is formed by bulbing the strand into small cages, typically 26 - 28mm diameter, and at 6 bulbs per metre.
15.2mm Cable Bolt Bulbed
CBDPlain cable bolts are manufactured from stress relieved, low relaxation, high strength 15.2mm diameter 7 wire steel strand and are commonly used as long tendons in strata reinforcement.
15.2mm Cable Bolt Plain Bulk Pack
CABOLTPManufactured from stress relieved, low relaxation, high strength 15.2mm diameter 7 wire steel strand.
17.8mm Cable Bolt Bulbed Bulk Pack
CABOLT1BManufactured from stress relieved, low relaxation, high strength 17.8mm diameter 7 wire steel strand. The cable bolt is formed by bulbing the strand into small cages, typically 29 - 31mm diameter, and at 1 bulb per metre.
28.0mm TITAN Cable Bolt Indented
HTCThe Titan Bolt – a 28mm High Tension Hollow Cable is a hollow flexible cable bolt for top down grouting combined with in cycle resin cartridge point anchoring. The cable is compatible with a barrel and wedge anchoring system for pre-tensioning. Using a grouting lance grout can be pumped directly through the centre tube in the cable to exit near the top of the cable. There are bulbs continuously down the length for resin and grout anchoring.
21.8mm Ultra Strand Cable Bolt Indented
ULNThe Intented ULTRA Strand Bolt is a cable designed to be installed as a long rock bolt whoch is capable of being post-tensioned at the face, or out-bye, to loads of up to 25 tonne using the DSI Tensioner Unit.
21.8mm Ultra Strand Cable Bolt Platin
ULAThe DSI ULTRA Strand Bolt is a cable designed to be installed as a long rock bolt which is capable of being post-tensioned at the face, or out-bye, to loads of up to 25 tonne using the DSI Tensioner Unit.
14 Products.